RELAN - Relation Analysis

The New approach of logically and causally based statistical analysis


Introducing the RELAN program

Pairing up with Ao. Univ.-Prof Dr. Rainer Maderthaner's most current publication Relationsanalyse (RELAN) - Aussagenlogische, statistische und kausale Analyse von Daten comes the software that serves as a custom-made tool to test and use the statistics and data processing approaches introduced in the book.

The RELAN software is designed for the solution of many empirical problems relating to business, scientific, and organizational research

RELAN Screenshot

Relation is a mathematical concept to characterize all existent regularities between nominal variables.

Special! Free licenses until August 2023

Celebrating the release of the RELAN book and the RELAN beta 2.0 program we offer a free license that will be valid for a limited time!

Until August 2023 early adopters of the RELAN Software will be able to receive a license free of charge to try out the unlimited version of RELAN.

Get your free license now!

Why use RELAN?

Why use RELAN instead of conventional statistical methods?

  1. Gain insight into logical relations between a set of variables
  2. Analyse and statistically test verbally formulated questions and hypotheses
  3. Evaluate causal assumptions between a given set of variables
  4. Simulate regularities in a sample of data (including their statistical significance
  5. Conduct simple and transparent significance testing (e.g., Binomial tests, Likelihood-ratio test, Chi- square tests)
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  • RELAN analysis takes into account all possible relations between a defined set of dichotomous variables
  • RELAN is a strictly multivariate oriented method which tests conditional, moderating, mediating and multicausal influences on criteria variables
  • Provides more than fifty significance and effect statistics
  • Relationships between variables that might dilute or falsify results - confounding effects - can be extracted from the tested hypothesis
  • Null-Hypothesis testing is completed by an alpha correction procedure (Bonferroni correction method)
  • Because of alternative hypothesis testing results can be evaluated by the power statistic ( = generalisation of results)
  • The option of bivariate testing runs (logically) multivariate and includes seven logical functions (AND, OR, IF-THEN, …)
  • The bivariate relations between the variables can be analysed graph theoretically (features of networks between variables and their relations
  • Hypothetical relations can be simulated in an user-defined set of data (including testing the significance of the simulated relation)

Benefits of using the RELAN Software

  1. The opportunity to test hypotheses logically allows a better statistical fitting of common speech questions (ecological validity)
  2. The (logically) multifunctional approach opens deeper insights into hidden relations between variables
  3. Simulation option shows how the data structure had to be if the hypothetical relation would be given ideally
  4. Simple and complex relations of confounding variables can be extracted from the hypothesis relation
  5. The option of implication analysis highlights the existence of one-sided perhaps causal relations
  6. Moreover, the option of causal analysis gives the opportunity to test causal assumptions more precisely based on time indices of variables

Key Features

RELAN is a non-parametric statistical method

  1. which processes propositional logical hypotheses,
  2. needs (or computes) dichotomous variables, and
  3. analyses simple and complex logical functions (AND, OR, IF-THEN, NAND, …) between variables.


  1. test the logical functions statistically or explore them by data mining procedures,
  2. eliminate confounding effects,
  3. evaluate different chance models
  4. perform “real” causal analyses by taking into account the implication relation between the variables and the time relations between the variables, and
  5. determine the necessary sample size for a special logical hypothesis.
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On top of that the concept of RELAN can be summarized by the following features:

  • RELAN refers both to a specific research logic and to the statistical procedure of the computer program which can be downloaded from this page
  • The type of used variables is dichotomous (two-valued) or can be dichotomized by the program
  • There are no preconditions of variable distributions (except for “ergodicity” of the probabilities)
  • Seven logical functions are evaluated (conjunction, disjunction, adjunction, bijunction, implication, NAND, NOR) and statistically tested or can be explored by procedures of data mining
  • Chance model selection: The probabilities of the positive values of the variables can be defined apriori or will be computed aposteriori depending on the data
  • If for the used set of variables time indices are available then the probability of existing causal relations can be evaluated by the program

The RELAN book

Join for a deep-dive into the methodology and insights that relation analysis can give with the book Relationsanalyse (RELAN) - Aussagenlogische, statistische und kausale Analyse von Daten released in 2022. In it Dr. Maderthaner will explain the advantages of the method and important causal conclusions that can otherwise not be mined from collected data without great effort.

The book is currently currently available in German and published by Springer Spektrum. You can download the cliff notes version in English from the documentation order of the program.

Release Date: November 15th 2022
Order paperback or Kindle edition here: Amazon

Whether you have inquiries, need technical support or would like to discuss the methodology proposed by RELAN, feel free to get in contact using our contact page:

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